Lexus Tori 500
The all-new 2013 Lexus GS model had a more aggressive stance, as well as more power and curve handling ability than its competitors. The challenge: attract younger drivers to the Lexus family, those seeking performance, handling, and an adrenaline rush not normally associated with Lexus.
There’s no better way to reach young males than the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue, aka the Super Bowl of print. But we gave Lexus much more than a print ad. First, an iPhone game let players race around a track shaped like S.I. supermodel Tori Praver. Then, to make the idea even more experiential, we actually built the racetrack in the real world, for a head-to-head race with the pros. Finally, we created an app called Supermodeled, which let you add Tori to any photo. Beyond being shared and talked about, these ideas helped launch the Lexus GS from 11th to 3rd in its category.
Over 200 million earned editorial impressions.
Over 100 million online impressions.
4.5 out of 5 stars (iTunes Customer Rating).
2012 Cannes Lion – Silver
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Senior Art Director @ Team One